Door: Sander Potjer.Categorie: Versies.

Joomla 2.5.4 vrijgegeven

Joomla 2.5Het Joomla project heeft zojuist Joomla 2.5.4 vrijgegeven. Dit is een veiligheidsrelease en we adviseren je om je Joomla website bij te werken naar deze versie. Naast 2 veiligheidsproblemen zijn er 156 andere bugs verholpen en 3 nieuwe functies toegevoegd.

Het doel van het Production Leadership Team (PLT) is om regelmatig updates ter beschikking te stellen aan de Joomla community. Leer meer over de Joomla ontwikkelingen op de ontwikkelaars site.

Download de Nederlandstalige Joomla 2.5.4 met voorbeelddata in onze downloadsectie. Je vindt daar dan ook aparte taalpakketten voor zowel de frontend als de backend en de tinyMCE tekstverwerker, en de pakketten voor het updaten van Joomla 2.5.0 naar versie 2.5.4.

Het update proces is erg eenvoudig, er zijn nu eenvoudigere en betere manieren om te updaten dan via FTP zoals dat voorheen ging. Het is mogelijk om vanuit de backend van je Joomla site up te daten naar Joomla 2.5.4. Ga daarvoor naar Extensies -> Extensiebeheer en klik op de tab Updaten. In dit scherm klik je in de toolbar op Vind updates. De Joomla 2.5.4 update wordt nu zichtbaar. Deze vink je aan en in de toolbar klik je op Updaten, waarna de Joomla sites automatisch zal worden bijgewerkt. Volledige update instructies zijn hier te vinden.

Wil jij onze activiteiten ondersteunen en zorgen dat wij deze verder kunnen uitbreiden en promoten? Overweeg dan eens een donatie te maken aan Stichting Sympathy. Dat kan via iDEAL en Paypal onze hartelijk dank!

Release Notes

Lees voor het updaten de release notes en de Joomla! 2.5.4 Faq zodat je op de hoogte bent van de laatste informatie rond deze release. Backup altijd je websites voordat je een update gaat uitvoeren.

Statistieken voor de 2.5.4 release periode

Joomla 2.5.4 bevat:

  • 2 verholpen veiligheidsproblemen
  • 3 nieuwe functies
  • 156 verholpen bugs die gemeld zijn in de bug tracker

Joomla 2.5.4 gebruikt versie 11.4 van het Joomlal Platform.

Nieuwe functies


Verholpen tracker meldingen

ID Summary/Link Category
27941 Add warning/no warning icons on Database screen Administration
27842 Batch processing broken Administration
28175 Calendar readonly="true" status prevents loading custom calendars. Administration
27923 com_menus item model calls non-existing method Administration
28190 com_search: Show Search Results results in PHP fatal error Administration
27052 Content menu displayed when disable component content Administration
28252 Don't show the site secret and optimize ConfigModelApplication Administration
28180 fix for com_modules getListQuery returning too many rows [patch attached] Administration
28158 Fix for override manager regarding plugins Administration
27868 Joomla 1.7.x batch processing allow move items to trashed categories Administration
28007 Languages overrides not showing content when showing is set to all Administration
27893 New version module interferes with license notice in Hathor Administration
28269 Protected extensions can be disabled through the toolbar Administration
27844 Version Module for Admin to show Joomla version in Footer admin Template Administration
28237 PHP Notice in back end login when cache enabled. Authentication and Login
27600 Editor-XTD buttons Issues in FireFox 9 Browsers
28314 #28299 can cause performance issue if root category is loaded in non multilanguage mode CMS Libraries
24338 Autoupdate fails for components after applying a patch from issue #24305 CMS Libraries
28226 Incorrect SQL statement for MenuItems in menuitem library CMS Libraries
28093 JVersion::getHelpVersion() unnecessarily checks the version CMS Libraries
28091 Move the check if multilang is enabled to the libraries CMS Libraries
28299 SEF issue when using article button in multilanguage CMS Libraries
27829 $app variable can possibly not be set, causing a PHP error Code Quality
25423 $message not initialized in ~/components/com_users/controllers/reset.php Code Quality
28023 Backport JSession::checkToken() from the platform Code Quality
28262 Bug with Rebuild button in the Menu Manager Code Quality
28125 Database change broke JUser getGroups() API Code Quality
27410 Don't use DS anymore Code Quality
28286 Fix @since tags for 2.5.4. Code style in CMS libraries. Code Quality
28265 Fix use of deprecated API in com_installer Code Quality
27870 Joomla 2.5 com_content generates non-valid xhtml Code Quality
28186 PHP Strict Standards: Non-static method UsersHelperRoute::getResetRoute() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context Code Quality
28088 Strict error with JSite::getMenu() Code Quality
27818 Update 1.7 strings to 2.5 Code Quality
27886 An unpublished linked contact leads to articles not being displayed. Components
27581 Basic Search contact search is broken Components
26986 Batch processing of articles doesn't work for users with restricted rights Components
27700 com_redirect redirects should use 301 redirect, not 303 Components
28174 com_wrapper doesn't support iframe without border Components
27780 Dublicate Template Styles Components
27872 Error in Banner Track Clicks Components
27853 error notice using search in joomla 2.5 Components
27956 Missing security check of file default_links.php Components
28187 Notice in com_contact when sendEmail fails Components
23021 Notice message in banners model Components
28280 Regression in the com_installer warnings Components
28206 Result Description "if condition" was missing in com_finder Components
28154 RSS feed of com_finder throws fatal error Components
27716 Saving 'Start Publishing' updates 'Finish Publishing' not 'Start Publishing' Components
28277 Wrong 'category' tag in category feed Components
28172 Backslashes are added every time you save Wrapper menu item Database
27774 Joomla on Windows Azure - Load time is slow Database
28001 path delimiter doesn't work properly on SQL Server and SQL Azure Database
28318 Remove duplicate SQL Server directories. Database
28266 Sql error generated in menus Database
28222 SQL error generated in system redirect plugin Database
28008 sql syntax error in libraries/joomla/database/table/session.php:137 Database
27961 Template is not displayed in the Styles (backend) Database
27960 Unable to create an article Database
27888 users notes categories Database
26602 Front end article creation in unpublished category Forms
28150 ContentBuildRoute does not remove layout if link attached to menu item Front End
27890 mod_menu invalid rendering of items of type alias and url Front End
27824 Offline image overflow Front End
27931 Profile fields not available in edit, only registration Front End
28134 Typo in com_content view Front End
28145 Add uninstall support for possibly installed media files Installation
28323 com_joomlaupdate does not delete joomla.xml file in root folder Installation
28325 Deleted files not being deleted during version update Installation
28259 Error in Database tab in Extension Manager Installation
28261 Error message contains the string Joomla 1.7 Installation
27919 Extension Manager: Database does not fix text filter problem Installation
27887 Extension Manager: Database does not fix update problem Installation
28122 Fix installation for Joomla 3.0 Installation
27751 Installation - Check to ensure the schema file exists Installation
28188 Javascript issue on IE7 during install Installation
27916 Path of home sub-menu items contain "News Feeds" Installation
27568 Remove the use of all deprecated functions (except JRequest and JException) in the installation. Installation
28132 Typo in joomla-cms / installation / models / configuration.php Installation
26468 Unable to install multiple updates at once Installation
27920 Update SQL query requires temp table permissions Installation
27895 Version Number Module Not Assigned to Menus Installation
27863 JHtmlGrid::sort broken Javascript
27843 media.php jInsertFieldValue Javascript
27880 Please first make a selection from the lis't: Huge error on 40+ sites Javascript
28268 Update MooTools to 1.4.5 Javascript
28046 Update MooTools to version 1.4.4 Javascript
27905 Upgrade MooTools to version 1.4.3 Javascript
27889 Change permissions in language manager changes default language to english Languages
28090 Changes to the Administrator Language Strings Languages
28072 Content Languages ordering broken Languages
28098 Entering link to article via Article button -making it Multilanguage aware Languages
28036 Implementing Access levels for Content Languages Languages
28157 Inconsistent Language Constants in the Beez_20 Language Files Languages
27929 Installing sample data and defining as site lang another lang then English breaks links Languages
28151 Joomla! 2.5 - Multilanguage feature - external links end with 404 Languages
28115 PHP 5.3.8 Notice for some language packs with iconv Languages
27975 smart search author not translated. Languages
27966 Wrong constants in article menu item Languages
27959 Wrong redirection when login on multilang site with SEF on. Languages
27779 Articles; H1 tag appearing before the article title... Layouts
27864 User profile page does not HTML escape the user's name Layouts
23414 Flash uploader rtl - browse button disabled Media Manager
28199 Archive module error when no articles are archived Modules
28099 Editor buttons in Custom HTML module Modules
28000 Featured articles parameter does not work in mod_articles_popular Modules
28316 Incorrect ordering value if editing last module Modules
28017 JModuleHelper All but selected does not work correctly when there is no itemid Modules
27659 joomla 2.5beta1 module alternative layout on admin side don't work Modules
27536 mod_articles_category ordering Modules
27902 mod_languages html 5 validation error empty action attribute Modules
28021 mod_login module does not HTML escape the user's name Modules
27896 mod_search head search link title not escaped Modules
28068 Module weblinks does not import needed JModel class Modules
28086 No access to params "images" in mod_articles_news Modules
28181 Notice in weblinks module Modules
27150 PHP Fatal error when detele a article category assigned to a artcle categories module** Modules
27873 The related articles modules (mod_related_items) are not showing Modules
27972 Multilanguage Status module report version 1.7.1 should be 2.5.x None
27802 The package installer insert two database entries on templates None
27784 Use less deprecated functions None
28120 XHTML 1.0 Transitional None
28303 Change 28026 so it doesn't modify platform files Platform
28264 Fix JSession::checkToken() to be forward compatible with Joomla 3.0 Platform
27706 JAccess::getGroupsByUser doesn't work as expected in case of guest user Platform
28133 JMail addAttachment ignores parameters (filename, encoding, type) Platform
27951 Missing parameter handling in magic proxy methods for name quotes Platform
26346 Sync some changes from the platforum Platform
26906 Zip Archive native unpack wrong result Platform
27662 Can't update #__update_sites table at extension install on SQL Server Plugins
27990 Captcha Typo (with solution) Plugins
27862 Code error plgUserProfile line 188 Plugins
27918 Date format in /plugins/usr/profile/profile.php is wrong Plugins
28179 JText values in js of quick icons force to escape single quotes Plugins
27477 languagefilter: build rule is deleting "option" param Plugins
27770 loadposition strips the $ character from html modules Plugins
28118 Notice 'Only variable references should be returned by reference' Plugins
28044 Plugin Loadmodule ignores selected style Plugins
28075 Recapthca image doesnt show up, maybe because of https secure website Plugins
27898 System cache throws warning on Ajax requests with JSON response Plugins
28284 System messages included in cached pages Plugins
28255 Update TinyMCE to version 3.4.9 + optimizations Plugins
28028 Entering an article link via the Article button=>links broken in SEF Search Engine Friendly
27759 Alternative Sample Data Files (blog and brochure) SQL Files
28121 Empty trash not trashing some sample data articles SQL Files
27885 TinyMCE settings in SQL don't reflect recent changes in options. SQL Files
27992 Beez 2.0 has one css file still hardcoded with template name Templates
28198 Beez 5 generating warings/notices Templates
28117 Hathor forgotten in #28072 Templates
28140 JText values in js beez templates force to escape single quotes Templates
27938 labels missing for Smart Search / Finder module Templates
28114 missing css .icon-32-print class in bluestork template Templates
27907 Sitename not escaped Templates
28263 27052 does not work as should for System Links menu items User Interface
28162 Creating menu items saves selection when it shouldn't User Interface

Joomla! Bug Squad

Dank aan de Joomla Bug Squad voor hun inzet in het onderzoeken van gemelde problemen, oplossen van problemen, en het aanbieden van patches aan Joomla. Als je een bug ontdekt in Joomla, maak er dan melding van in de Bug Tracker.

Actieve leden in het Joomla Bug Squad Team zijn de afgelopen periode: A Firoozmandan, Akarawuth Tamrareang, Alain Rivest, Andrea Tarr, Andrew Eddie, Ashwin Date, Bill Richardson, Brian Teeman, Chris Davenport, Christophe Demko, Denise McLaurin, Dennis Hermacki, Elin Waring, Emerson Rocha Luiz, Francisco Marzoa, Ian MacLennan, Jacob Waisner, Jacques Rentzke, James Brice, Janich Rasmussen, Jean-Marie Simonet, Jennifer Marriott, Jeremy Wilken, Kevin Griffiths, Loyd Headrick, Mark Dexter, Matt Thomas, Michael Babker, Mutuga Kigumi, Neil McNulty, Nikolai Plath, Ofer Cohen, Prasit Gebsaap, Rachmat Wakjaer, Rob Clayburn, Roland Dalmulder, Rouven Weßling, Rune Sjøen, Samuel Moffatt, Shaun Maunder, Sudhi Seshachala, Tim Plummer, Tom Fuller, Troy Hall, Viet Hoang Vu, Holger Brandt, Leo Lammerink, Herve Boinnard.

Bug Squad coördinatoren: Mark Dexter Coordinator; Elin Waring en Marijke Stuivenberg, Team Leaders.

Joomla! Security Swat Team

Dank aan het Joomla! Security Swat Team voor het oplossen van alle gerapporteerde beveiligingsproblemen in deze release: Airton Torres, Alan Langford, Bill Richardson, Elin Waring, Jason Kendall, Marijke Stuivenberg, Mark Dexter, Omar Ramos, Rouven Weßling, Samuel Moffatt.

Download de Nederlandstalige Joomla 2.5.3 met voorbeelddata in onze