Door: Sander Potjer.Categorie: Versies.

Joomla 2.5.5 vrijgegeven

Joomla 2.5Het Joomla project heeft Joomla 2.5.5 vrijgegeven. Dit is een veiligheidsrelease en we adviseren je om je Joomla website bij te werken naar deze versie. Naast 2 veiligheidsproblemen zijn er 113 andere bugs verholpen en 11 nieuwe functies toegevoegd.

Het doel van het Production Leadership Team (PLT) is om regelmatig updates ter beschikking te stellen aan de Joomla community. Leer meer over de Joomla ontwikkelingen op de ontwikkelaars site.

Download de Nederlandstalige Joomla 2.5.5 met voorbeelddata in onze downloadsectie. Je vindt daar dan ook aparte taalpakketten voor zowel de frontend als de backend en de tinyMCE tekstverwerker, en de pakketten voor het updaten van Joomla 2.5.0 naar versie 2.5.5.

Het update proces is erg eenvoudig, er zijn nu eenvoudigere en betere manieren om te updaten dan via FTP zoals dat voorheen ging. Het is mogelijk om vanuit de backend van je Joomla site up te daten naar Joomla 2.5.5. Ga daarvoor naar Componenten -> Joomla Update. In dit scherm zie je de update informatie en klik je op "Installeer de update", waarna de Joomla sites automatisch zal worden bijgewerkt. Volledige update instructies zijn hier te vinden.

Wil jij onze activiteiten ondersteunen en zorgen dat wij deze verder kunnen uitbreiden en promoten? Overweeg dan eens een donatie te maken aan Stichting Sympathy. Dat kan via iDEAL en Paypal onze hartelijk dank!

Release Notes

Lees voor het updaten de release notes en de Joomla! 2.5.5 Faq zodat je op de hoogte bent van de laatste informatie rond deze release (er zijn een aantal bugs ontdekt!). Backup altijd je websites voordat je een update gaat uitvoeren.

Statistieken voor de 2.5.5 release periode

Joomla 2.5.5 bevat:

  • 2 verholpen veiligheidsproblemen
  • 11 nieuwe functies
  • 113 verholpen bugs die gemeld zijn in de bug tracker

Nieuwe functies

Lees het artikel "Wat is er nieuw in Joomla 2.5.5" toelichting bij een aantal van deze nieuwe funcites.


Verholpen tracker meldingen

ID Summary/Link Category
28589 *ACL regression in com_search ACL
28602 *Menu Item Manager: Show Batch Processing only if allowed ACL
28607 Missing direct access check for com_finder ACL
28605 ACL regression in com_finder ACL
28611 *ACL: Module Manager: Show Batch Processing only if allowed ACL
28587 *ACL regression in com_redirect ACL
27819 The articles model displays articles for which there is no category access [+fix] ACL
28588 *ACL regression in com_messages ACL
28646 *New user registration approval should only be possible when Create permission ACL
28205 Remove 'Display: no' modules from Module Assignment list (1.7), or button to hide them Administration
28572 *Administration user notes checked on notes page gives warning arugment missing Administration
28481 Edit Menu Item: Modules appears multiple times in the list Administration
28456 Error 500 when Logging back in after timeout Administration
24839 Incorrect tooltip for Sticky column icons in Banner Manager: Banners Administration
28428 Backend uses incorrert cache path for system caches - text filters can be reseted to defaults with e Administration
28467 *configuration.php smtp saves auto-filled admin username and password Administration
28411 Site breaks when deleting alternate style which is in use Administration
28354 Problem logging out if Public group has admin login permission Authentication and Login
28436 Wrong group in ldap and joomla authentication-plugin XML-file Authentication and Login
27737 Clean up the unit tests Automated Testing
28569 Correct docblocs in com_joomlaupdate. Code Quality
28380 *Normalizing Beez_20 css and js loading Code Quality
28420 discover_install of components does not trigger custom install method Code Quality
28570 Backport JAccess::getActionsFrom*** Code Quality
28553 Improve code for 28205. Code Quality
28514 duplicate line in user.php Code Quality
28547 ACL consistency - Use the API and access.xml everywhere. Code Quality
28285 E_NOTICE about array to string conversion in debug.php with PHP 5.4 Code Quality
28457 *Unused $offset_user parameter in configuration Code Quality
28548 Use instanceof instead of is_a() Code Quality
28555 Fix files that are CRLF. Code Quality
28442 Update Library Manifests Code Quality
28440 *load language file from com_media front end Code Quality
28521 Use doExecute instead of execute in CLI scripts Code Quality
28360 Get rid of assign() and assignRefs() uses in view: Installation Code Quality
28613 Use fewer deprecated methods. Code Quality
28305 Remove a few unnecessary import() calls. Add a missing import(). Code Quality
28335 Simplify schema path in installation, add support for other databases Code Quality
28336 e-strict error in com_messages Code Quality
28600 Add a code style checker Code Quality
28609 Update joomlaupdate @SInCE tags missed in 61f5ee8. Code Quality
28652 *Strict standards administrator/components/com_config/models/application.php Code Quality
28660 Fix code style errors Code Quality
28370 Get rid of assign() uses in view: admin + site Code Quality
28375 Remove blacklist code from FinderIndexerHelper Code Quality
28546 Trunk is broken due to a PHP error in JComponentHelper Components
28614 Add option to enable/disable logging in Smart Search Components
28536 Undefined variable $prev in com_config Components
28619 Fix #24510 to not add code specific to the profile plug-in to com_users Components
28276 Finder/Smart Search: Deleting an item does not remove it from Finder's index Components
28022 Smart search and unpublished Content Maps fails after edit of an article Components
28398 Missing "remember me" in com_users Components
28579 Fix xreference regression from 1.7 to 2.5 Components
28591 Content triggers in Category and Featured views only apply to first few articles Components
21946 Redirect component produces error Components
28351 Remove extra images from finder Components
28339 Incorrect parameter passed to onUserAfterDeleteGroup event Components
28608 Remove unused file in com_users Components
28615 Backport union query element from Platform 12 and use it in Smart Search Database
28525 Fix JForm::load() not replacing form field in same location Forms
28426 only a single JFormFieldColor field can exist (functionally) within a form Forms
28598 *Article Category list displays hits in author column if no article author or createdbyalias Front End
28025 Joomla Bugfix: Exchange of wrong picture by hide.js fixed Front End
28670 SQL error when installing trunk without sample data Installation
27772 Selecting 'Install Sample Data' button causes 'invalid security token' error message if 'Next' butto Installation
28400 Help Site URL Defaulting to Version 1.6 Installation
28642 Clean up the installation a tiny bit Installation
28345 Call to member function of non-object: setDebug() Installation
28551 Fix som issues with exceptions Installation
27651 JInstallationModelDatabase::initialise has hard coded MySQL version check Installation
28550 Default admin user created with id 42 Installation
28149 ImageManager Javascript Error Javascript
28505 *Multilang validation errors when SEF is off Languages
28407 *Browser Settings for new visitors broken in multilanguage Languages
28571 Typo in en-GB.com_templates.ini Languages
28639 New User Account Activation Tooltip Clarification Languages
28592 Language in component folder Languages
28453 Language override doesn't handle double quotes properly Languages
28673 JSON data returned when uploading oversized file Media Manager
28384 Duplicate 'home' in breadcrumbs in a multi-language site Modules
28192 Bug in mod_articles_news in version 1.7 and 2.5 Modules
28483 *Weblinks module should only pass on category related queries when catid > 0 Modules
28526 bug in mod_articles_news Modules
28487 Menu Item Alias does not obey Secure Setting of Aliased Item Modules
28210 onchange event does not fire at JFormFieldMedia (Regression) Platform
28632 Backport JCrypt (only with the simple chipher) Platform
28549 Provide legacy aliases for the MVC classes Platform
28648 Backport some deprecation info to the base package Platform
28645 Clean up the session package based on what was done in the platform. Platform
28287 Fix some differences between platform and cms. Backport CSS changes Platform
28309 Improve forward compatability with Joomla 3.0 by making JDatabaseException extend RuntimeException Platform
28419 Remove warnings for undeprecated code. Fix a bug in JView in the process. Platform
28561 Move some JFormFields from the platform to the CMS Platform
28378 Backport JInput:def() from the platform Platform
28377 Backport JDatabase::execute() Platform
28560 Backport some files completely from the current platform Platform
28599 Backport the new JLoader from the platform 12.1 Platform
28343 Backport JInputFiles fix from Platform Platform
28421 Update PHPMailer to 5.2.1 Platform
28649 Backport small changes to the MVC from the platform. Platform
28644 Move JApplicationHelper::parseXMLInstallFile to JInstaller.


27267 Multiple Loggers fail when using formattedtext


28667 Update TinyMCE to version 3.5.2 Plugins
28566 Update TinyMCE Plugins
28479 Use most specific paths possible. Fix detect FTP root. Plugins
28631 Bug in Codemirror plugin Plugins
28364 JImage wrong JPEG suppert detection in PHP 5.2 Plugins
27711 Plugin SEF don't support "poster" video attribute Search Engine Friendly
28455 *303 when not using URL Language code in multilanguage Search Engine Friendly
25170 Content pictures aren't displaying if SEF is on and System Cache plugin is enabled Search Engine Friendly
28382 Make Atomic work with sample data Templates
28603 User Registration Form: Label/Field Offset by one Line User Interface
28342 *New joomlaupdate component has no icon in admin menu + missing lang string User Interface

Joomla! Bug Squad

Dank aan de Joomla Bug Squad voor hun inzet in het onderzoeken van gemelde problemen, oplossen van problemen, en het aanbieden van patches aan Joomla. Als je een bug ontdekt in Joomla, maak er dan melding van in de Bug Tracker.

Actieve leden in het Joomla Bug Squad Team zijn de afgelopen periode: A Firoozmandan, Akarawuth Tamrareang, Andrea Tarr, Bill Richardson, Brian Teeman, Christophe Demko, Dennis Hermacki, Elin Waring, Emerson Rocha Luiz, Ernest E Vogelsinger, Harald Leithner, Herve Boinnard, Holger Brandt, Jacob Waisner, Jean-Claude Richard, Jean-Marie Simonet, Jeremy Wilken, Juan Antonio Ruzafa, Kevin Griffiths, Loyd Headrick, Marijke Stuivenberg, Mark Dexter, Matt Thomas, Michael Babker, Nicholas Dionysopoulos, Nick A., Nick Savov, Nikolai Plath, Ofer Cohen, Prasit Gebsaap, Rachmat Wakjaer, Radek Suski, Rob Clayburn, Rob Joyce, Roland Dalmulder, Rouven Weßling, Rune Sjøen, Shaun Maunder, Soheil Novinfard, Sudhi Seshachala, Troy Hall, Viet Vu.

Bug Squad coördinatoren: Mark Dexter Coordinator; Elin Waring en Marijke Stuivenberg, Team Leaders.

Joomla! Security Swat Team

Dank aan het Joomla! Security Swat Team voor het oplossen van alle gerapporteerde beveiligingsproblemen in deze release: Airton Torres, Alan Langford, Bill Richardson, Elin Waring, Gary Brooks, Jason Kendall, Jean-Marie Simonet, Jeremy Wilken, Marijke Stuivenberg, Mark Dexter, Michael Babker, Rouven Weßling, Samuel Moffatt.

Download de Nederlandstalige Joomla 2.5.3 met voorbeelddata in onze